
How to write an article for beginners that is compatible with SEO standards 2024

How to write an article for beginners that is compatible with SEO standards 2024 to write an article for beginners: It may seem like a difficult task to you at first, because you lack experience in this field. However, developing writing skills can be an enjoyable and useful experience, if you are a beginner in writing articles.

How To Write An Article For Beginners That Is Compatible With Seo Standards 2024
How To Write An Article For Beginners That Is Compatible With Seo Standards 2024

Here are some basic steps that will be mentioned in this article that will help you write good articles and know the SEO standards well to appear well in search engines. We will learn about the different ways to profit from writing articles. Follow with us.

10 steps on how to write an article for beginners

Here are 10 important steps on  how to write an article for beginners.  They are basic steps and tips for writing a professional topic that is compatible with SEO standards and helps you start blogging correctly.

1- Choosing a topic:
Select a topic that interests you and suits your understanding, interests, and audience.

2- Research and gathering information:
Look for reliable sources to collect the information you list in the article and collect as much information and ideas as possible related to your topic.

3- Setting the goal and target audience:
Determine the goal of writing your article and the audience you are targeting to determine the quality of information and how to present it in an attractive and appropriate manner.

4- Organizing ideas:
Organize ideas and information into a plan that helps you write the article in an organized and smooth way for the visitor.

5- Writing the article:

  • Start with an introduction that gives the reader a general idea of ​​what will be written in the essay.
  • Establish the main points of the article and write about each point in a detailed, simplified and organized manner.
  • Use language that suits your audience and is simple and clear to communicate with the reader.
  • Use ease and simplicity in writing the article. Avoid deviating from the topic to achieve the goal of the topic.

6- Formatting the article:
Organizing the article’s paragraphs and ensuring that there are spaces between paragraphs for ease of reading.

7- Clarify ideas and concepts:
Illustrate ideas and concepts using realistic examples and explanations that suit the language of the audience.

8- Review the article:
Review the article carefully to correct spelling and grammatical errors, improve the form of the article, and ensure that the article is compatible with the target audience.

9- Adding the final touches:
Add additional elements such as quotes, statistics, graphs or frequently asked questions to make the article attractive to the visitor.

10- Final proofreading of the article:
Do a final proofreading of the article to ensure that it is ready for publication and that it is well formatted correctly.

• By following all these steps and paying attention to them, you can now write a useful and inspiring article for your visitors.

Top tips on how to write an article for beginners

How To Write An Article For Beginners That Is Compatible With Seo Standards 2024

  • Enjoy writing:  Writing articles should be an enjoyable process, so find pleasure in expressing your ideas and sharing them with others, and in this way you become a successful blogger and thus have successful articles.
  • Choosing content that you like:  When choosing content that is familiar to you and that you love, it will make you write unique articles, unlike when you choose content that you are not a fan of. Choosing content is very important to make your topics distinct.
  • Always experiment and learn:  Writing is a skill that requires continuous training, so do not be ashamed to try several times and make mistakes and continue to develop your skills. Always looking for development and learning from your mistakes is part of success.
To know  how to write an article for beginners , you must follow these tips. You will be able to write distinctive articles even though you are a beginner, and you will enjoy developing your writing skills better, so you must pay attention to these tips well.

How to write an article for beginners to comply with SEO standards

How To Write An Article For Beginners That Is Compatible With Seo Standards 2024

1- Keywords Research:
• Search for keywords related to your topic, but in order to bring visitors to your site, you must choose words that people search for in search engines.

• There are some sites and tools that are used to discover keywords to know the competition for them and the average number of monthly searches for them, tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Guin Rank.

2- Use the keyword:
Include the keyword in the article title first, in the main titles (H2, H3, H4), and in the meta tags (page titles and description).

3- Quality of content:

  • Make your article between 800 and 1,000 words to increase your chance of ranking at the top of the search results.
  • Writing exclusive, high-quality content that is useful to the reader and in an easy way.
  • Avoid excessive repetition of the keyword and useless information.

4- Content formatting:

  1. Use short, easy-to-read headings and paragraphs.
  2. Use bulleted and numbered lists, as they give the visitor ease of reading and understanding.
  3. Use images and videos in the article to attract and grab the visitor’s attention.

5- Use internal and external links (backlinks):
Internal links: by adding internal links to other pages on your site that are related to the topic and suit the interest of your audience.
External links: By adding external links to credible sites to support your article.

6- Improving loading speed and performance:
Ensure the speed of your site on all devices through this site’s  PageSpeed ​​Insights.  You should pay attention to compressing the images that you upload to the site to improve loading speed.
7- Distribution of the keyword:
The keyword must be well distributed in your article and placed in the following places:

  • Headings: The title of the article, at least one of the main and sub-headings.
  • Introduction and conclusion of the article.
  • Meta description.
  • The URL (article link) of the article.
  • Alternate blade for images used in your article.
  • Write the keyword 3 to 7 times in the article.

8- Social interaction:
Share the article via social media platforms, such as (Facebook – Instagram – Twitter).

We explained  how to write an article for beginners  and write a topic that is compatible with SEO standards to rank at the top of search results. Therefore, you must pay attention to all these things to improve your site and improve its chances of appearing on search engines.

What are the types of articles?

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Technical article:
It deals with a specific technical topic, such as technology, ways to profit from the Internet, or providing technical explanations and clarifications. For example, this topic in which we talk about “how to write an article for beginners” is considered a technical article.

News articles:
focus on providing up-to-date information directly and include analyzes of specific events.
Marketing articles:
They are used to promote and market a specific product or service, and focus on its features and benefits.
Personal essay:
This type of essay expresses the writer’s opinion and personal experiences about something, and is used to express his feelings and thoughts.
Study article:
It is based on academic research and studies, and is used in scientific journals and academic research.
Entertainment article:
It aims to provide visitors with fun and entertaining entertainment content, such as humorous articles or jokes.

These are just some of the most common types of articles in the field of blogging, and there are many other types depending on the topic, purpose, and target audience.

How to write an attractive topic

  1. Understand the target audience well before you start writing, find out what the readers are interested in knowing, their interests, and the solution to their problem.
  2. Use an attractive title: The title is essential to attract the visitor, as it is the first thing the visitor reads. Therefore, attention must be paid to it to arouse the visitor’s interest and draw his attention to the article.
  3. Using personal experience in the article makes the visitor more inspired by the topic.
  4. Use easy and direct language that makes the reader feel that you are talking to him and he will never get bored of the article.
  5. Use the most attractive images and videos of the article to grab the visitor’s attention.

By listening to these tips and implementing them, you can write attractive content that attracts visitors’ attention and maintains their interest throughout the reading period, which makes your content always stand out.

What specifications must a content writer have?

Strength skill in writing:
The content writer must have distinguished writing skill and the ability to formulate the topic well, organize ideas and use attractive and clear language.

Creativity and innovation:
You must be able to think outside the box and find new ideas that arouse the interest of visitors to pay attention to the content you provide.
Research and analysis:
The content writer must be able to research and analyze information to obtain a good result and high-quality, trustworthy content for the visitor.
Audience interest:
The content writer must know what the audience is looking for and what they are interested in, and adjust his content according to these interests and needs of his audience.
Paying attention to SEO standards:
The content writer must be sufficiently familiar with the basic factors of SEO standards and all the new SEO techniques (search engine optimization), which were mentioned at the beginning of the article, and also improve the content to increase the chance of it appearing in the search engine.
The content writer must be accurate in his content and provide reliable information so that his visitors can trust him.
The content writer must be able to meet the requirements of his audience and write on topics and in methods that suit them.
Interacting with visitors:
The content writer must interact with his visitors, respond to visitors’ comments and learn about their suggestions.

Is it possible to earn money by writing articles?

Yes, it is possible to profit through blogging and writing articles in several ways, including:

Google AdSense: You can  profit from writing articles  through Google AdSense. When you publish articles on your website and register it with Google  AdSense  , you can obtain a profit through the advertisements that are displayed on your site.

Writing for websites and blogs: You can write for websites that pay for articles, and these articles are different in their fields (technology – health – poetry – news).
Writing for newspapers: You can write for newspapers and magazines to get paid by writing the articles that are published in them, and the more creative you become in writing, the greater your job opportunities.
Training: If you become an expert in the field of blogging in a specific field, you can write training articles and sell them as educational materials or online courses.
Freelancing: You can work as a freelance writer who provides writing services to clients through platforms including the Upwork platform, submit offers, and obtain paid projects.


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