
How do I write an article that is 100% SEO compatible?

How do I write an article that is 100% SEO compatible?an article requires specific elements to be suitable for publication on the web, and we will learn them now together.

How Do I Write An Article That Is 100% Seo Compatible?
How Do I Write An Article That Is 100% Seo Compatible?

You may feel that this type of writing is difficult and unlearnable, but it is easy and we will learn it in simple steps and learn why content writing is important these days.

What would we have to start writing?

Yes, the text of a specific topic (title), such as the question you asked.

There will be a focused keyword.

And sometimes sub-keywords related to the topic text.

And of course some explanation about the topic or specific observations.

What steps will we take now?

1. We take the title of the topic and put it in Google to search – and sometimes we can modify the title to find better search results – and then we look at the first 10 search results and read between 3 and 8 articles on the same topic from the results of our search.

2. We take important notes and subtitles from these articles, and if the topic is about a specific company or site, we take all the basic information from the main official website.

3. Do not think that we will copy any information from any other source. We only know the topic and the basic information that we will write about.

4. It’s time to write.

“Writing is about repeating what you wrote,” someone says, and that quote is somewhat true because many times we will edit, delete, write, proofread, and modify, and then our article will be wonderful and competitive.

I forgot to tell you that we have to write an article that is better than all the articles you read in the first step in terms of quantity and quality.


Because we will be the best and we always want to be – all of us – the best among our peers and competitors.

How Do I Write An Article That Is 100% Seo Compatible?
How Do I Write An Article That Is 100% Seo Compatible?

Article elements

We know them all before, right?

I think yes, but there will be other details in those basic elements, and sometimes some of these details are not fixed in all articles.

the introduction

There will be something called (Meta description) which must contain the “keyword” and be between 120 to 156 characters with spaces, and of course summarize the idea and content of the article.

This description or short introduction must be at the beginning of the article, and sometimes it can only be written in the space designated for the Meta description without mentioning it in the article.

But in any case, we must write it and take care of it as much as possible because this is the second thing the visitor will read.

What’s first? Wondering?

Title of course!

After the short introduction, we can complete our introduction and explain further to get to the heart of the topic.

the offer

The core of the topic or presentation can be very long or short, depending on the type of topic, but whatever the topic and length, we must divide the presentation into paragraphs and sub-headings.


Simple, let’s say we have this topic about writing an article – and it’s actually there and you’re reading – take a quick look from top to bottom.

did you come back?

Didn’t you find many subheadings and paragraphs? Of course yes.

Thus, you will write short paragraphs and subtitles that express the following paragraph until you fulfill all the important and useful points, and then we reach the conclusion.

Writing the conclusion

This is a very important thing, and we must take into account that many visitors take a quick look at the entire article and read the conclusion at the beginning.

For this reason, it must be similar to the introduction, but with proof that we have learned or taught something important, in addition to an invitation to do something, such as commenting or sharing a suggestion, problem, etc.

Each topic is a little different, but there are general rules that apply to writing any topic.

General notes during and after writing

  • Write the keyword in the main and sub-headings, from two to eight times, depending on the length and type of the topic.
  • Write the keyword sufficiently and limitedly at the same time, so that it is about 2% of the words of the article.

Example: 1000 word article, we can mention the keyword about 20 times throughout the article.

  • Do not adhere to a specific number or rule that makes it sacred. Writing should not be restricted.

But why those numbers and technical details?

It is Google and search engines. We deal with machines and visitors or readers. We care about the reader first and last.

But in order to reach that reader, our writing must also be understandable to search engines so that it appears in the first results for some search words, such as:

“Keywords, subtitles, and subheadings.”

We talked about internal links before, and today we will mention an internal link like the one in the previous line.

We said that we talked about external links previously, and we included the link to that article in the word “ internal links .”

This is what is called an internal link, and with the writing of many topics related to each other, we will mention those topics by including a link to a previous article in a specific keyword that expresses that article.

Sometimes we just say between paragraphs or at the end of the article, “This topic may interest you,” and we write its title and place an internal link.

We are almost at the end of our conversation today, but let’s find out why we write and why content writing is important.

Quite simply, visitors need certain information and we provide it to them.

Yes, there are those who have provided it before, but we previously agreed that we would be the best at providing this information and securing a place at the top of the search results on the topic we are writing about.

Sometimes we write for companies that provide specific services or products. Their goal is to attract a specific segment through a specific topic in order to inform them about the product or service.

In the end, the principle is the same: there is a topic and there is a targeted segment, intentionally or unintentionally, searching for this topic.

The benefit is mutual, then, between the reader and the one searching for information, service, or product, and the one who writes.

Here we have reached the end and we have all the important information to start writing an article for the web. All you have to do is choose a text on a topic that interests you in order to practice, and with time your writing will improve.

And remember to read your article after you finish, proofread it linguistically, and modify it if necessary.

I hope I have been helpful to you. These steps and instructions I apply with my clients and employees, and they have been successful until now.


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