
The best way to rank high in YouTube search results and get 100% exclusive videos


The best way to rank high in YouTube search results and to obtain 100% exclusive videos is to use some helpful tools to adjust YouTube SEO so you can rank high in less time. In the following table, I will list for you the tools that I personally use to rank high in YouTube search results:

The Best Way To Rank High In Youtube Search Results And Get 100% Exclusive Videos
The Best Way To Rank High In Youtube Search Results And Get 100% Exclusive Videos
Tool name Tool link
Google Bard bard.google.com
gbt chat chat.openai.com
Canva website canva.com
Website for converting translation into text srt to text
Tubebuddy website tubebuddy.com
VidIQ website vidiq.com
sbv to srt sbv to srt

The steps I follow to adjust video SEO and improve its visibility

  1. How to choose the target word correctly
  2. Edit the name of the clip and write the target word inside its name
  3. Writing the video title while uploading it so that it contains the target word while making it attract the researcher’s attention
  4. Design a professional thumbnail containing your target word with an attention-grabbing design
  5. Write the video description so that it is compatible with SEO, as I will explain to you later
  6. Add tags or tags to the video that are directly related to its content
  7. Add subtitles to the video clip that appear while the video is playing on YouTube
  8. Add two video clips related to the topic at the end of the video

 YouTube is a powerful platform for marketing and reaching a large audience, and YouTube search engine optimization (or YouTube SEO) can help you increase the number of views for your videos and improve their ranking in search results. Here are some detailed steps you can follow:

How to choose the target word correctly

Do enough research to understand what people are searching for in your video niche.
And use tools like Google Keyword Planner or YouTube Autosuggest to discover related keywords.

An effective way to find the right keywords for your YouTube video is to use a range of tools and techniques.
Here are the detailed steps:

1. Use the YouTube search engine

  • Start by searching the YouTube search bar for the topic of your video.
  • Type some keywords related to the topic and wait for the search suggestions provided by YouTube to appear. These suggestions can give you an idea of ​​popular keywords related to the topic.

2. Use keyword research tools

  • There are many free and paid keyword research tools that can be used, such as Google Keyword Planner, KeywordTool.io, SEMrush, and others.
  • Enter the topic of your video into these tools and you’ll get a list of relevant keywords that people are searching for.

3. Analyze popular videos on the same topic

  • Find popular and featured videos on the same topic as your video.
  • Look at the titles, description, and tags used by the owners of these videos, and try to extract the keywords they have in common.

4. Explore social media sites and forums

  • Interact with communities interested in the same topic as your video on social media platforms and forums.
  • Write posts, comments, and search for keywords that people in those communities are using.

5. Take advantage of data analysis tools on YouTube

  • YouTube also provides some tools for data analysis such as YouTube Analytics.
  • Use these tools to understand which keywords your target audience uses when searching for similar topics.

By using these steps and analyzing the data you obtain, you will be able to choose the right keywords for your video and increase the chances of it appearing in YouTube search results.

Optimize video title

  • Make the title attractive and clear, and include your target keywords.
  • It is preferable that the title be between 60-70 characters long to ensure that it appears fully in search results.

To improve the video title and increase its chances of appearing in YouTube search results, you can follow these steps:

Use targeted keywords in your video title

  • Start by putting your top search terms in the video title. Make sure these words are relevant to the video content and are expected content that the audience will search for.

Make the title clear and attractive

  • Use inspiring and catchy phrases to grab viewers’ attention.
  • Avoid using very long titles, try to be direct and concise.

Avoid using capital letters or extra symbols:

  • Preferably, all letters in the title should be lowercase, except for keywords.
  • Avoid using symbols such as exclamations or parentheses.

Use numbers and details if appropriate

  • If your video goes into specific detail or provides a list of items, you can use numbers in the title to emphasize those points.

Be creative and unique

  • Try to provide a unique title that sets your video apart from your competitors.
  • Create catchy and inspiring phrases that will make people want to watch your video.

Test and evaluate

  • You can try several different titles for the same video and monitor their performance in search results.
  • Use the analysis tools available to determine which title produces the best results.

Update the address regularly

  • Sometimes, you may need to update your video title to reflect changes in content or to improve its performance in search.
  • Feel free to adjust the title based on analysis of video performance and audience interest changes.

By following these steps and focusing on making your video title engaging, inspiring, and targeting the right keywords, you can improve your video’s chances of appearing in YouTube search results.

Improve Description

  • Use the description to explain the video content in detail.
  • Write a description containing target keywords that help understand the video content.

To improve your YouTube description and increase your video’s chances of appearing in YouTube search results, you can follow these steps:

Use keywords strategically

  • Place important keywords in the description naturally and in keeping with the context of the sentence.
  • Make sure the keywords are in the topic sentences and main paragraphs of the description.

Be detailed and comprehensive

  • Provide a detailed and comprehensive description of the video content, noting the main topics covered in the video.
  • You can provide a summary of what viewers will learn from watching the video and what sets it apart from other content.

Use links and additional information

  • If there are links or additional information you want to share, you can put them in the description. Such as links to your websites or social media.
  • Make sure the links are valid and reliable.

Stimulate interaction and participation

  • Ask viewers to subscribe to the channel or leave a comment or like on the video.
  • Provide a call for interaction at the end of the description, such as “Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and leave a comment with your opinion.”

Use tags appropriately

  • Place captions that accurately describe the video content.
  • Use important keywords related to the topic of the video as tags.

Avoid duplicate text that violates YouTube policies

  • Avoid copying and pasting descriptions from other sources or using duplicate content.
  • Make sure the description is free of inappropriate content or content that violates YouTube policies.

Test and evaluate description performance

  • Experiment with several different styles of description and monitor their performance in search results and viewer engagement.
  • Use data analysis tools to understand which keywords drive video views.

[box type=”note” align=”” class=”” width=””]By applying these steps, you can improve your YouTube video description and increase the chances of it appearing in search results and attracting targeted viewers.[/box]

Use of tags :

  • Use tags to identify the main topics of the video.
  • Add tags relevant to your target content and keywords.

Using tags effectively on YouTube can contribute to increasing the video’s visibility in search results and attracting targeted viewers. Here are the effective steps to use tags appropriately:

  1. Use relevant keywords :
  • Identify keywords related to the video content.
  • Use multiple and varied words that accurately describe the video content.
  1. Use keywords of appropriate length :
  • Use short- and long-term tags to cover a variety of research.
  • Avoid using tags that are too long or too short.
  1. Use common and specialized tags :
  • Use popular tags that a wide audience can search for.
  • Also use specialized tags that target a specific audience or describe the video content more specifically.
  1. Use local and geographic tags :
  • If your content targets a specific audience in a specific geographic region, use geotags that reflect that.
  • This may help attract local viewers and improve the video’s position in local search results.
  1. Update tags regularly :
  • Update tags regularly to reflect changes in content or to improve your video’s performance in search.
  • Avoid using tags that are outdated or inappropriate for existing video content.
  1. Use data analysis tools :
  • Use YouTube’s analytics tools to understand how tags are performing and their impact on your video’s ranking in search results.
  • Evaluate which keywords are most effective and replace unsuccessful tags with more effective ones.

By following these steps, choosing tags carefully, and updating them regularly, you can increase the chances of your video appearing in search results and increase the number of viewers for your YouTube content.

Use thumbnails :

  • Choose a thumbnail that is attractive and reflects the video content.
  • Make sure the image is bright and eye-catching to attract viewers’ attention.

Using thumbnails effectively can increase your video’s chances of appearing in YouTube search results and attracting viewers. Here are some tips for using thumbnails appropriately:

Make the photo attractive and interesting

  • Use a thumbnail that attracts attention and piques viewers’ curiosity to watch the video.
  • This image may include visual elements such as celebrities’ faces or interesting content elements.

Put the video title clearly

  • Place the video title or other important words on the thumbnail clearly and legibly.
  • Use clear, easy-to-read text fonts, and avoid using complex fonts or colors that make the text unclear.

The image is consistent with the video content

  • Choose a thumbnail that accurately and concisely represents the video content.
  • Avoid using images that are fabricated or inconsistent with the actual video content.

Use colors appropriately

  • Use colors wisely to attract attention and highlight key elements in the image.
  • Avoid using colors that confuse the eye or make the image blurry.

Performance testing and analysis

  • Experiment with different thumbnails for the same video and monitor their performance in search results and their click through rate (CTR).
  • Use YouTube’s analysis tools to understand how thumbnails perform and impact video views.

Make sure to comply with YouTube’s requirements

  • Make sure your thumbnail adheres to YouTube’s copyright and appropriate content requirements.
  • Avoid using stolen images or those that violate YouTube policies.

By following these tips and applying them to your video thumbnails, you can increase your video’s chances of appearing in search results and better engaging viewers.

Content Quality

The Best Way To Rank High In Youtube Search Results And Get 100% Exclusive Videos

  • Provide high-quality, engaging content to viewers.
  • Maintain an appropriate rhythm and communicate information clearly.


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