
Julia Phelps, paramount figure at Paramount Global, has announced her

Julia Phelps, paramount figure at Paramount Global, has announced her imminent departure from the company. As the executive vice president and head of communications, Phelps played pivotal roles that shaped the company’s direction.

Her exit follows the departure of CEO Bob Bakish and could prompt potential consolidation discussions with Sony and Apollo Global Management. Phelps’s significant influence leaves a vacuum in leadership which could affect merger and acquisition talks.

Phelps led a gamut of significant initiatives, including the strategic roll-out of Paramount+ and managing communications for the merger of Viacom and CBS Corp in 2019. Her strategies notably kept stakeholders informed despite the uncertainty caused by the global pandemic.

Beyond her role at Paramount, Phelps was instrumental in launching key campaigns like Spark, the global extension of BET’s Content for Change campaign.

Phelps’ major departure from Paramount Global

She also implemented integrated marketing and publicity departments, reinforcing BET’s position in the media landscape.

Her tenure at Paramount saw numerous transitions, such as the Viacom/CBS merger, Paramount+ launch, and the shift to hybrid work amidst the pandemic. Phelps credits her team’s resilience and commitment for the successful navigation through these phases.

Post-Paramount, Phelps lauds the company’s storytelling capacity and its innovative team. She commends Paramount’s culture and its ability to create compelling narratives that challenge the status quo.

While Phelps remains tight-lipped about her future intentions, she expresses optimism and anticipation towards exploring new opportunities ahead. Her experiences at Paramount have made an indelible impression on her, and she plans to take these invaluable lessons with her in her future endeavours.


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