
Exploring the world of digital advertising Your guide to understanding Google Ads and exploiting its potential

Through its Google Ads program, Google has presented all solutions to create successful advertising campaigns that carefully target your audience, whatever the nature of your product or service that you want to market and advertise. But do these advertising campaigns bear fruit in reality? What is the importance of these advertisements?

Exploring The World Of Digital Advertising Your Guide To Understanding Google Ads And Exploiting Its Potential
Exploring The World Of Digital Advertising Your Guide To Understanding Google Ads And Exploiting Its Potential

In this article, we will learn about Google Ads and how it evolved from Google AdWords, all the concepts related to Google Ads, and the types of Google Ads campaigns so that you can choose the type of advertising campaign that is appropriate for you.

What is Google Ads?

This name is given to Google’s advertising arm, and it is therefore the name of Google’s pay-per-click platform (we will explain this concept later in this article).

In fact, this platform allows businesses to display their ads at the right time to the right audience, across all mobile devices and even on desktop.

Google Ads is designed to help marketers and businesses of all sizes connect with billions of potential customers around the world who are searching for answers in search engines, watching videos on YouTube, or discovering apps on Google Play.

Google Ads also helps choose advertising solutions that suit the advertiser’s needs, which ultimately leads to providing valuable and trustworthy ads to customers who will get the best experiences.

How did Google Ads develop from Google AdWords?


Exploring The World Of Digital Advertising Your Guide To Understanding Google Ads And Exploiting Its Potential

Google AdWords was launched more than 18 years ago. These years brought tremendous scientific and technical leaps, and diversified the means of searching for services and products, ways of browsing content, playing digital games, and much more, during which the smartphone formed the pivotal link between the user and all those products or services. .

Because all of this was accompanied by a development in advertising, it was necessary to develop the program to keep pace with the continuous updates in channels and formats, and therefore Google Ads came to improve the advertising work environment provided by Google AdWords by developing the necessary tools and techniques to reach your advertising goals.

4 basic factors that show the importance of ads on Google

In fact, we cannot ignore talking about the factors that prove our real need for Google ads, which are four:

  1. Customize your ads.
  2. Control your advertising campaign costs.
  3. Measure your success.
  4. Flexibility in managing your advertising campaigns.

1-Customize your ads on Google Ads

By customizing your target audience based on people’s interests in your service or product, you can customize:

      • the main words.
      • Where the ad appears.
      • Language and geographical location.
      • the age.
      • Recurrence period and days.
      • Devices.

2- Control the costs of your advertising campaign

This means that you have control over how you spend your money and you can set a minimum for that money. You can also specify the amount you will spend on a monthly or daily basis or for each ad.

3-Measure your success in Google Ads

With Google Ads, you’ll know if someone clicks on your ad. You’ll also know if they click on it and then take another action, such as downloading an app or purchasing a product, which will give you the ability to direct your investment in the advertising campaign where it belongs.

Read also:

4-Manage your advertising campaigns

Google provides you with many tools to manage and monitor your advertising accounts, as it offers (My Client Center Manager Account) or (MCC), which is considered a powerful tool for managing multiple Google advertising accounts.

It also offers Google Ads Editor, a free desktop application that you can easily download to make changes to your account quickly.

9 terms about Google Ads

Have you decided to use Google Ads? So you have to get to know some of the basic concepts that you will encounter as you work through it, which are:

  1. AD Rank.
  2. Bidding Top Bidding.
  3. Quality score.
  4. Campaign Type.
  5. Click-through rate.
  6. Conversation rate.
  7. Google Display Network.
  8. Google Ads Extension.
  9. Pay-per-click (ppc).

1- Ad Rank in Google Ads

The value of your ad position or Ad Rank is the criterion that determines your ranking and appearance. The higher this value, the better your ranking becomes and the more attention becomes directed to you.

The AD Rank value is determined by the following equation:

Ad Rank= Bidding × Quality score

(Ad position = maximum bid x Quality Score).

2- The highest bidding

Google Ads is distinguished by its reliance on the (bidding system), which means that you, as an advertiser, must provide Google Ads with the maximum bid amount that you will be able to pay for every click you get on your ad.

We can understand the improvement of the advertisement’s position with the increase in bidding, since the relationship is direct.

In fact, you can place the higher bid through three options:

  1. Cost-per-click: Pay per click on your ad (CPC).
  2. Cost-per-mille: Paying for your ad to be shown to 1,000 people (CPM).
  3. Cost-per-engagement: Paying for a specific action someone takes with your ad such as visiting your site or clicking to purchase (CPE).

3- Quality score in Google Ads

It is the process of measuring the quality of advertising by measuring:

  • Click rate.
  • Relevance of keywords.
  • The quality of the intended website.

4- Campaign Type in Google Ads

You must choose the campaign type from among the 7 campaign types provided by Google Ads, which are:

  1. Search ads.
  2. Video ads.
  3. Display ads.
  4. Shopping ads
  5. App ads.
  6. Maximum performance ads.
  7. Smart campaigns.

5- Click-Through Rate (CTR)

In fact, the term click-through rate refers to the number of clicks you get on your ad as a percentage of the total views that the ad receives. This means that a high CTR indicates that the ad is of high quality in terms of matching the search intent and keyword targeting. related to.

6- Conversion Rate (CVR)

Google Ads conversion rate is a measure of form submissions, expressed as a percentage of the total number of visits.

In other words, a high CVR means your landing site delivers a user experience that matches the ad’s promises.

7- Google Display Network

In fact, we can say that the Google advertising network includes websites that provide space on their pages for Google ads, which include various types of ads. These ads are also displayed alongside content related to the targeted keywords.

8- Google Ads AD Extension

These extensions allow you to provide the ad with additional information including: sitelink, contact or application.

9- Pay-per-click (PPC)

The most common type of payment for advertising campaigns, which in short means that the advertiser pays for each click on his ad.

How does Google Ads work?


The way Google Ads works is a series and is summarized in the following steps:

  1.  The journey begins with the advertiser creating an advertising campaign using Google Ads. Then he determines the budget and keywords he wants to target.
  2. The cost of advertising is determined based on the bidding system used in Google Ads, where the advertiser determines the amount he wants to pay when the ad is clicked.
  3.  After that, Google Ads selects the appropriate ads for the keywords. It then displays them to users who search for those words. These ads are therefore displayed in search results and on websites that cooperate with Google
  4.  Then comes the stage of analyzing the performance of advertisements, which is done using user data and statistical processes, and the advertising campaign is improved to increase its efficiency and effectiveness.


Types of Google Ads advertising campaigns


  1. Search: These are text ads that are displayed on the Google search engine results pages.
  2. Display: Your ads are depicted to attract the user’s attention and appear away from the content of the web page.
  3. Video: It ranges from 6 to 15 seconds and appears on the YouTube platform and is played within other video clips.
  4. App: This type uses information from your application in order to improve ads on the Google Display Network, YouTube, and Google Play.
  5. Shopping: It includes information about the product description and price and displays pictures of it. It should be noted that this type of campaign aims to promote the product and not the brand.
  6. Smart campaigns: Their mission is to find the best possible way to target your audience in order to make the best possible use of your money as an advertiser.
  7. Performance Max Campaigns: This is a new type that allows you, as an advertiser, to access the entire Google Ads inventory through just one campaign.

Exploring The World Of Digital Advertising Your Guide To Understanding Google Ads And Exploiting Its PotentialExploring The World Of Digital Advertising Your Guide To Understanding Google Ads And Exploiting Its Potential

Thus, we have talked about Google Ads campaigns, their types, all the terms related to them, and how Google ads have evolved over time. In conclusion, we can say that the best type of advertisement is the advertisement that does not bother the user with its appearance and does not make him feel that he is watching an advertisement at all.


أنا مطور ويب HAKAM. من هنا ستحصل على الكثير من المعلومات القيمة مجانًا ودعوة لتحديث WordPress وBlogger حتى يتم قبول مواقعك في Google AdSense وأيضًا إتقان SEO بشكل صحيح والأفضل للأسهل.

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