
The 10 longest and Most unique Snapchat clips Ever

The 10 longest and Most unique Snapchat clips Ever  is the longest Snapchat streak ever? A question that may have come to your mind more than once. Sharing a Snap Series with someone means you trust and love them more than your other friends. 

The 10 Longest And Most Unique Snapchat Clips Ever
The 10 Longest And Most Unique Snapchat Clips Ever


Having the top streak on  Snapchat  in your circle also means you have bragging rights. There can be a kind of fun competition in saying that you and your friend care about each other more than others.

Snapchat is a very popular app for millennials. This has given rise to on-camera filters that can make you look good or silly depending on your usage. Snapchat also allows messaging through its app, but the messages, photos, and videos you can send to your friends will completely disappear once you see them. Snapchat allows messages, stories, and filters to disappear even before that is normal in other apps.

Since other apps can now do what Snapchat does, it looked like the app would become obsolete for a while. However, Snapchat’s streaks have convinced social media users to continue using the app only for their streaks.

Most of us have given up on our Snap streaks. Meanwhile, others are still trying to maintain their lines with their friends. This is both impressive and surprising given the years since Snapchat invented Snap Lines. That’s why the longest Snapchat streaks are discussed among other social media users. Questions often come to mind about who holds the title of the longest Snapchat streak or how they managed to do so.

Fortunately, we’ve gone ahead and tracked down the 10 longest Snapchat videos of all time. Here are Snapchat usernames, their history, and some tips on how to keep your history private with your friends to get over those Snap streaks.

Snapchat Origins

The 10 Longest And Most Unique Snapchat Clips Ever
The 10 Longest And Most Unique Snapchat Clips Ever


The longest Snapchat streaks wouldn’t be possible if there were no Snapchat in the first place. Snapchat was created to share private photos between two users. Besides sharing photos, Snapchat was also one of the first apps to feature messages and photos disappearing forever after the recipient sees them.

This alone was impressive during that time. However, Snapchat developers did not stop there. They were quick to create new features for the app, upgrading from its original purpose to videos, disappearing messages, live video chats, and Bitmoji avatars, to Stories and content. Snapchat was also one of the first apps to use augmented reality-based filters and lenses on its user’s snaps while showing their physical location in the world.

Snapchat’s mission was to create more effective forms of communication between users. Before its advent, social media users were more likely to browse using their laptops or desktops rather than their phones.  Twitter ,  Facebook,  YouTube  , and  Instagram were accessed  primarily at home. Snapchat changed all this with its user-friendly format that allows messages, photos, and videos to be sent quickly using a phone.

Even after actively promoting app-based communication across phones, Snapchat still continues to encourage conversations today.

What are Snapchat lines?

Most of the longest Snapchat streaks ever began the year Snapchat launched Snap streaks. Officially, the developers introduced Snapchat Fonts, also known as Snap Fonts, to users on April 5, 2015. However, some users claimed that Snap Fonts were already in the app 12 days ago. This is because other accounts already have a 12-day history even before the launch.

This type of information is useful in validating the authenticity of your longest Snapchat streaks. By adding the 12-day history and birth date of your Snapchat streak, you can easily find out if a person is lying about their streak or not. This means that a legitimate Snapchat streak should not exceed an estimated 2,500 points.

In order to know what a top Snap line is, we must first know what a Snap line is. Random photos or quick videos are enough to start or maintain your Snapchat account. However, you must send each other videos or photos every day to be able to maintain your Snap streak. Failure to do so means having to restart again.

Snapchat streaks were created to promote constant communication between friends. This motivated people to message each other at least once a day. At the same time, this is also a physical proof of the duration of your friendship. That’s why most people cherish their Snapchat streaks and feel dismayed if they lose them.

Longest snapchat streaks

Now that we know what Snapchat is and what Snap streaks are, it’s time to learn about different users who have achieved record streaks on Snapchat. Note that the people listed here are those who have officially sent their Snapchat streaks. This means that it is very likely that some unsent Snapchat streaks will break their own records. You can submit your own post to websites like Techzilla and Suntrics to have your Snap streak counted.

Longest Snapchat streaks of all time by year

Every year a new entry manages to beat the last entry. Sometimes, they can even break a new record in just a few months. That’s why it’s difficult to accurately track who currently holds the title of longest Snapchat streak. However, we were able to find three lines that were mentioned as the top line during their respective years.

Best friends Hannah and Lauren are the latest title holders for the longest Snapchat streak. They hit their Snapchat streak of 2,663 days in August 2022. They beat Ally Zaino and Kat Bruneau’s all-time highest Snap streak in 2021 by more than 2,165 days. Meanwhile, Zeno and Bruno beat Patrick and Ryan’s 1,501 a day as of 2020.

10 of the longest Snapchat clips ever

You don’t need a world record to prove your friendship. However, it’s good to know that you and your friend are on the A-list. Aside from the top three we just mentioned, most of the people listed below are those who didn’t hold the title of longest streak but had great results. Some of them may have beaten the previous year’s champion, but they never reached first place during their submission.

  • Hannah and Lauren – 2,663
  • Fatmis and Simko – 2655
  • John and Harley – 2,616
  • Allie Zeno and Cat Bruno – 2165
  • Julie S and Christy B – 2215
  • Keenan Capps and Diego Astorga – 2068
  • Mia and Elliot – 1999
  • Patrick and Ryan – 1501
  • Sophia and Taryn – 1930
  • Alan and Jonathan – 1898

Meaning of emojis in Snapchat Streak

Snapchat has emojis next to the names of people you add to your app. Each of these  Snapchat emojis  has its own meaning. Snapchat streaks also have emojis that represent the streak and how well you’re doing. Here is a list of three Snapchat streak emojis that you should pay attention to.

Fire emoji 🔥

The first series of emojis that people encounter on Snapchat are the fire emojis. Just like any other Snapchat emoji, you’ll find the fire emoji next to your friend’s name. The fire emoji symbolizes the official start of your Snapchat streak. However, this emoji only appears after receiving snaps for three consecutive days before it appears. Next to the fire emoji is the number of days you and your friend have spent in a Snap thread. Unlike other emojis, the fire emoji doesn’t disappear as long as you still have your Snapchat streak.

100 emoji 💯

Maintaining a conversation with your Snap partner for 100 days earns you 100 emoji. Compared to the fire emoji, the 100 emoji only last for one day. It disappears the next day, making it a special achievement worth taking a screenshot with your partner. 100 emojis don’t erase the fire emoji. Instead, it moves alongside the fire emoji and other potential emojis you might have.

Hourglass symbol ⏳

You could be risking your longest Snapchat streaks if you come across an hourglass emoji. This is because the hourglass emoji serves as a warning to you and your partner that your Snap streak is about to end. The hourglass emoji means Snapchat gives you a total of four hours to liven up your Snap thread. If you don’t, you and your friend will have to start over. The only way to address the hourglass emoji is to send a photo or video right away.

Tips about snapchat streaks

Many people assume that achieving the top Snapchat streak is difficult. Meanwhile, others believe that this is one of the easiest things to achieve. Pictures of your floor are enough to keep, but what if you and your friend aren’t on good terms? That’s when those who find it difficult wonder how easy the lines are. Whether you find it easy or difficult, it wouldn’t hurt to know some tips on maintaining your streak on Snapchat.

  • Choose a willing partner.
  • A blank image is perfect for resending as a snapshot. Simply add emojis or other texts.
  • Schedule your Snap Streaks so you can remind each other.
  • Pin your conversation so you don’t lose track of it.
  • Snapshots from memories or glasses do not count.
  • Recover your Snap streak  by messaging Snapchat.

Benefits of Snapchat lines

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There are many benefits when maintaining a Snapchat streak. One of the most obvious is boosting your personal Snapchat score. By boosting your score, you will get many prizes that are unlocked within your app. These rewards come in different emojis such as the hear-no-evil monkey emoji, the horned smiley face emoji, and the quarter moon face emoji. In fact, these awards are just for bragging rights among you and your social circle. However, a small accomplishment is still an accomplishment worth sharing.

In addition to earning rewards, Snapchat streaks serve their primary purpose. It helps in maintaining conversations with friends regardless of distance, growth or any other form of change. People who are used to sending snaps with their friends may find comfort in mutual sending of photos. This is most convenient when you and your friend are in the middle of an argument. This is because maintaining your Snap streak despite the fighting means that your friendship is stronger than what you’re arguing about.

The more emotional benefits of Snapchat streaks are why younger millennials consider their streaks precious. Not only does it give them a comfortable feeling between themselves and their friends, but it is also a way to communicate and communicate even without words. Days added to your streak can also make you nostalgic about your friendship with your Snap streak partner.


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