
How to display Google AdSense ads on any of your websites with ease

How to display Google AdSense ads on any of your websites with ease this is the best way to display your website’s ads on another website with ease and collect very excellent monthly profits 

How To Display Google Adsense Ads On Any Of Your Websites With Ease
How To Display Google Adsense Ads On Any Of Your Websites With Ease

In which we will discuss :

  • What is Google AdSense, what does it offer and how does it work?
  • Steps to profit from Google AdSense for websites.
  • Important tips and points to get your site accepted for AdSense.
  • Steps to register in Google AdSense (detailed explanation with illustrative pictures).
  • AdSense ads (types, locations, and sizes).
  • Profit rate from Google AdSense (how much do sites earn from AdSense ads).
  • Tips for achieving the best profits from Google AdSense.
  • The most popular questions about Google AdSense and detailed answers.


User experience can be divided as follows :

  1. Website design : The website must be consistent, easy to use, and not have anything ambiguous.
  2. Site speed :  The site must load quickly.
  3. Site division : Whatever the size of the site and the number of articles it contains, it must be divided in an appropriate way.
  4. Using the site on the phone : The site must be well responsive to all types and sizes of mobile screens.
  5. Security and privacy :  This includes having  an SSL certificate  for the site, and also that the site be free of any annoying pop-up windows or any annoying way for the content to appear.


Code used / 

<script async=’async’ crossorigin=’anonymous’ data-page-url=’url’ src=’https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-3067926271274983′></script>


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